
CPPnow 2021 - Lightning Talk

I had the opportunity to attend the CPPnow in 2021. I am glad is has been a online conference, because that way I could attend more easily.

Besides a lot of interesting, educating and inspiring talks I pushed myself forward and into doing a lightning talk. My first public talk somehow.

What I learned

It was a nice experience. I think that I am actually less nervous than I thought I would. Thanks to the Team and the other speakers. I really enjoy presenting something. I hope I get the chance more often.

Additionally I think my talk was far away from being perfect, but I recognized that does not matter. What matters is that I did do it.

Maybe I hit onto somebody with the talk (which at some point in time will be available for sure). And even if not I learned something:

  • Presenting a talk isn’t as frightening as I thought
  • I can do it (at least for 5 minutes)
  • I think it is kind of funny to do

What else

I really would like to do a longer talk somehow. But I am lacking of topics. Relevant topics, that are somehow interesting. But maybe this is a judgement I am doing to harsh?

In my job programming roughly makes about 25%. And to be honest I am doing more paperwork and process fulfillment as I would like to. Maybe that is the reason I do not get too deep into topics. Maybe, but there might be something else.

I try to deal with things as they are. So if there is not the right stuff available I will do the best I can to make things work. But I do that somehow careless. I do not make a big deal of it. I just wanted to build that stuff or to fix it. Maybe I should promote such things more.

Finally I am getting bored really fast. As long as things are new and nice I like to play around with those. But I let go of them very fast if they are not of use or I see some fancy other stuff I like more. And this lets me abandon a lot of things I started. Mostly unfinished.

#include <C++>

I learned from the talk of Bryce Adelstein Lelbach that there is a movement to create a inclusive C++ community. I really like the idea and hope you support these movement, too. Details can be found here: https://www.includecpp.org